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Life Transitions Happen
We Can Help

Empty Nesting - Health - Marriage - Passing - Divorce

Empty Nesting


Do you consider yourself an empty nester, baby-boomer, senior or downsizer? None of us like to admit that we might be eligible for certain discounts, but for our purposes, when we refer to empty-nesters, we simply mean individuals over the age of 55.You’re in good company. More than 90,000 residents of Ada and Canyon County alone are over the age of 55.

Since dealing with our own parents’ transitions—and then our own!—into empty nesters, we are caring, pro-active and knowledgeable.

Like many, you may have discovered that your housing and real estate preferences have changed. Is your home as functionally suitable—physically, financially or both—as it once was? It may be time to find or build something that caters to your needs today, while allowing you the time and resources to do the things that you’ve always wanted to do.

Perhaps your current home can be converted into a rental and investment property. In this way you may be able to maintain a lifestyle you hadn’t considered possible in the past.

For a small portion of the population, retirement includes your present home in the center of it. We applaud your planning and the sense of satisfaction that you can now enjoy.

For most of us though, our present home will not work in the long-term. Is it primarily a financial question? Is your dilemma one of accessibility and/or proximity to basic amenities, health care providers or family? We’ve discovered that in the blink of an eye, our priorities have shifted.




Good health is something we all take for granted while we are enjoying it. But if you or a member of your family are one of millions of Americans who suffer limitations as the result of an injury or chronic health issues, you may have already discovered your home is the variable that has to change.

Your first consideration is whether or not the current home you have is advantageous to your changing circumstances. Owning a home allows you to customize and remodel, while renting may alleviate  burdens like lawn care or snow removal. The solution may be moving into a home community that is a perfect blend of ownership without the maintenance hassles. The cho
ices are many and we are here to help determine what the best fit is.  We never pressure our clients to buy when renting is a more appropriate option. 


We can’t make the decision about whether upgrading or remodeling is a better choice than selling or moving—but we can help you develop a strong yet simple list of pros and cons, focusing on the essentials. It’s important to be as transparent about your needs as possible. Our job (literally) is to take the stress out of an otherwise stressful decision-making process. Let us do it.



Selling a home to a couple on the threshold of marriage is one of our favorite things at Boise’s Best. One of the reasons we like it is because it really lets us do our job—which is to take the stress out of buying a home. While weddings are full of joy and expectation, wedding planning can also be exhausting and stressful.

We’re also attuned to the trend of more career-minded adults marrying later in life—many of whom are already homeowners! This leaves a couple faced with the question of buying a home together or living in a home one the partners already owns.

Listing a home in the Treasure Valley in today’s market is generally an extremely profitable enterprise. If both of you are homeowners, we strongly recommend requesting a free CMA to find out if selling is a good option.

Renting out one (or both) of your homes is another consideration. If the idea of updating and staging your home to sell feels overwhelming, consider turning it into a rental or vacation property—or how about an AirBnB?? This could be an excellent short term solution while you and your future spouse consider best how to move forward together.

When exploring the idea of turning one of your homes into a rental property, remember that you will need to have a financial cushion against vacancy. That is, be sure you can afford those times that your property sits empty.

The key is to plan. We can help you easily map out your financial goals and what you hope to achieve through your real estate transactions. We are a trusted partner and caring friend to our clients—and we’re anxious to help you navigate this new stage of your life.


Eventually, we will all be faced with death – our own or someone close to us. The passing of a loved one can be emotionally draining, even if the death is expected, and it is important to surround yourself with people who support you. It's no surprise that, under these circumstances, experts recommend that important decisions, such as moving or selling a house, be postponed for at least six months.

When the time is right, you can trust Boise’s Best Real Estate to provide informed, compassionate service through every step of the buying and selling process.


This is why we provide what we call "Concierge Service." As one example of our concierge service, our team comes in alongside families working through a death in a family. We help the survivors formulate a real estate plan in a timely manner. Our team actually participates in the process whenever needed or requested.


If, for example, there is an empty estate in question, once the property is free from personal items, Boise’s Best will solicit bids for whatever cleaning and/or repairs are necessary and coordinate with the executor. We then schedule those items, meet the people at the home to get the work done, follow up upon completion and compare the contractor’s invoice with the bid. Then we either coordinate with the seller for payment—at the time of service or upon closing.Learn more about our concierge services by clicking here.


If you find yourself struggling through a divorce--we’ve been there and we know how tough it is. Things get complicated and emotionally difficult quickly. Here at Boise’s Best Real Estate we will walk you through the real estate side of this transition and point out potential pitfalls and complications. We understand that the divorce process can be very unpleasant, and in many cases the two parties may not be communicating at all during a time when life changing decisions must be made.

Communication is the key to success and survival. We are happy to meet both parties together--or in individual consultations. The goal is to make this as comfortable and stress free as possible, while achieving the goal of selling your investment with the most profit for both of you.

It’s absolutely necessary that both parties are educated on every available option and potential outcome. We never take sides. In many cases we are able to be involved with the legal counsel of the couple to ensure the best interest of both.

Our end goal? To make sure that you have all the knowledge and the confidence needed to get your home sold in a calm, professional manner so that you can move forward. We really can help reduce the stress while you wrestle with more important matters.



Boise's Best Real Estate Team
2730 E Franklin Rd.
Meridian, Idaho

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